Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I KNOW I'm not the only person out there who is bothered by this.

You know when you check out at any store, anywhere, at any time, with any cashier, and they hand you your change, bills and coins, and the receipt at the same time? Just all loose and spread out, not nicely folded and wallet-ready.

Now, I wouldn't raise a fuss about it if I just had time to put the coins in my coin pocket, fold the bills to fit them in my wallet, stow the receipt somewhere it's supposed to go, and get my bags cleared out at the same time, but I simply don't have those skills. And I wouldn't mind standing there, efficiently folding and tucking, if the people behind me and the cashier wouldn't watch me the entire time I'm disposing of all the loose change, looking at me like they want to skin me alive and burn all my groceries with the fires of their indignation. So usually I get all flustered, cramming it in any which way, and managing to drop at least three quarters and pennies in the process. What I really want to do is turn around and tell the impatient person behind me "just wait, honey child. Your turn is coming, and you are going to repent of every baleful look you've cast my way these last few seconds."

I've also tried walking away immediately and trying to put it neatly away while gathering groceries and pushing my cart, or handling all the bags in my hands. Nope, doesn't work.

And somehow the thought of waiting til I get to my car to put stow it, walking all across the parking lot clutching a handful of cash and coins and bags doesn't really appeal to me.

So, I mostly just look stupid while checking out.


Amber Noella said...

Don't worry girl. We'll look stupid together. Just two gals holding a receipt & change. And wallet. And keys. And a grocery bag.

Claire said...

Katie, you have so much to look forward to as you get older...
I am 35 and I still haven't mastered the right way to do this!

(Although I must say this doesn't happen very often because 9 out of 10 purchases are made using my debit card! (You really must get one!))

melanie hodges said...

Katie, I share your frustration, but kind of in a different way. Our Chik-fil-A here is so quick and efficient and now I know why: when you give them your money, they hand the money, your drink and your bag all back to you at once. Seriously. They tuck the bills under the folded part of the bag and then wrap the top of the bag around your drink. Drives me nuts. Then, of course you are sitting there doing the same thing with the people behind you and the cashier being impatient...

Julia'sponderings said...

You have no idea how much that bothers me....