Tuesday, August 16, 2011

odds and ends

I realized the other day, as I thought about how long it's been since I've felt "inspired" to write something here, that I've developed the habit of writing for myself. Before I left for Ethiopia, all the things I wrote were too personal to gleefully stick on the internet for all and sundry to read, and while I was there, I couldn't write blog posts, and so I didn't. I wrote in my journal, and I wrote letters, and I started a novel. (I know. How very cliche' of me.)

Since I've been home, I've been busy with life, and busy rejoicing in the fact that I'M FINALLY HOME AND OHMYWORD I LOVE AMERICA SO DANG MUCH. (get the picture? if not, it's that i'm glad to be home and that i think america is the grandest country in the whole wide world. now you know How I Really Feel.)

And here's the deal: I like writing for just me. Or for just a couple of people. I feel less pressured, and the writing itself is generally better. Less humorous, maybe, but better none-the-less.


Am I going to quit this blog? No, I don't think so. Nor am I going to say that I'm "taking a break." I hate it when people write that on their blogs and then proceed to never type another word. They're not taking a break; they're just not willing to make the commitment to shut it down when that's really what they should do.

But I want you all to know - since so many of you have been kind and supportive of my writing... and i thank you for that - that I haven't stopped writing as much as ever. I'm simply writing in a more personal, deeper way these days, and right now, that doesn't involve blogging as much.


In other news, college starts next Monday, and so I've reached a Bend In The Road, and I'm eager to see what's around it. I'm not nervous, for those of you who have asked, because this seems like such a small thing in comparison to moving halfway around the world for three months without my family. But it's still Big, and I'm still a little excited.


Cordelia said...

I'm so glad to see you write again. But I understand you'll probably be far too busy with Important College Things for your little readers. Please don't forget us entirely, dear.

I love you. Go have grand adventures and make wonderful friends - but don't forget the old ones. :)

Emily said...

aaaaahhhhhhhhhh! Katie blogged!

somehow, I find your increasingly lengthy blogging absences ironically hilarious.

Emily said...

so when you said 'I hate it when people write that on their blogs and then proceed to never type another word. They're not taking a break; they're just not willing to make the commitment to shut it down when that's really what they should do.', what you really meant was 'so I'll do all of that except the say I'm taking a break part'.
