Monday, December 20, 2010

Yumi selebretem de blong bon blong yu!*

Julia. It's your birthday.

This is good.

This is exciting.

This is happy.

(Just to clarify things right off the bat.)

There are approximately ten billion things about you that I love, but here are a few of my top favs:

-You laugh at corny jokes and puns. Like, really, you think they're funny. You aren't just being polite.
-You're honest. Honest, yet kind. I wish I were more like you in this.

- You aren't awkward about... a particular thing... and as a person who's often with you and that particular thing, I totally appreciate it.

- You're cheap, er, I mean,
thrifty, like me.

- You don't get mad when I call you after you're asleep and need to spill my guts. I mean, you
do go to sleep at 8, but still, I wouldn't be happy if somebody called and waked me up to cry and whine on the phone.

- You wear mismatched socks all the time. I admire you for this, because I'm the kind of person who wouldn't dream of walking out of the house in socks that don't match. Rather stuffy of me.

-You still love me, even though when we were five I pretended to die and totally freaked you out.

- You're pretty much the most encouraging person I know. And yet you don't sugar coat the problem. You're direct and honest, and you don't let your friends wallow in self-pity. Thank you.

- You love Jesus. That sounds simple, and it is. He is your only hope and your strength, and you know this.

I'm praying that this coming year is the best, the most meaningful, aaannndd the most adventurous you've ever had. (Adventure encompasses a ton of things, you know.)

Love you bushels.

*it's how they say Happy Birthday in Bangladesh. awesome sounding, right?

p.s. Yes, I was obviously addicted to Dr. Pepper when I was six. It's my brothers and sisters' fault; they gave me Dr. Pepper when I was nine months old.

1 comment:

Julia'sponderings said...

1. My socks don't match today.
2. I love you very much Katie.