Thursday, January 13, 2011

Her priorities are... a wee bit crooked.

While watching Jaws with Eleanor and Julia:

A little boy prepares to go into the ocean. The ominous music begins. We catch a glimpse of The Fin. His mother tells him she'll see him in ten minutes. (Yeah, right.)

Just as he's joyfully rushing into the surf... towards his unavoidable doom... a dog runs into the water.

And Eleanor says,

"OH NO! The poor doggy is gonna get eaten!!"

The dog, Ellie? We're worried about the dog here?


Unknown said...

I have a similar story. Years ago, Lisa and I were watching Dante's Peak (in the theater). People everywhere were dying due to the volcanic eruption. Lots and lots of people. A dog was saved fromt the lava flow, by jumping into the truck - and that is when I started crying and could breathe again. I know, it was a dog and people were dying and I didn't cry for them. Crazy right?

elliebird said...

well! the mom shouldn't have let her kid in the water since she knew there was a shark warning! the dog didn't know any better.

Melanie Hodges said...

When we were younger, Andrew was about 4 years old, we were on our way to TX to visit Grandparents and we stopped for a swim in the Gulf of Mexico. At that time we could walk out really far from the shore without going under, so we walked until it was almost over mine and Matt's heads, and mom and dad were holding Andrew up when all of a sudden, he said: "Daddy, will we hear the music before the sharks attack us?" Mom and Dad chuckled a little bit, but we high-tailed it back to shore! And that is my "JAWS" funny story!

Anonymous said...

whatever happened to "Wednesdays word"?