Wednesday, January 26, 2011


"IF, the moment I am conscious of the shadow of self crossing my threshold, I do not shut the door, and in the power of Him who works in us to will and to do, keep that door shut, then I know nothing of Calvary love." -amy carmichael

When I read this particular "if" this morning, for the first time in a long time, it pricked my heart, to say the least. So often I find that the shadow of self isn't what I have to fight against. Self itself, in all its strength, waltzes over my threshold and dances a polka in the living room of my heart. Ever experienced that?

And often it comes in when I'm least expecting it. But sometimes, I know when it's about to knock at the door. I can hear its footsteps approaching, as it were, and you know what? Much to my shame, I often go deliberately and open the door for it, inviting it in and doing nothing to try and hinder its residence.

As I think honestly about this, it makes me want to despair. What hope is there for a girl who makes self feel very much at home in a heart that should be wholly given over to Christ?

Thankfully, not only the problem but the solution is given in this short If. In the power of Him who works in me to will and to do, I can keep that door shut. It IS possible. It is what I MUST do. But, thank the Lord, it isn't something I must do alone.

Do you believe that?

Buy the book here. It's worth every penny.


Cordelia said...

Thank you.

Emily said...

I believe that! This post was wonderful, thank you.
I just love Amy Carmichael. She is one of my heroes.

Your blog is great...we have a LOT in common. ( =

Love in Christ,

Emily (theupchurchonewhoisreallysadtomissyourparty) said...

If is always good for a few 'ouches'. I haven't had mine out for a while--thanks for reminding me.

By the way, darlin', your mix of serious and sweet and silly is *perfect*. Your blog makes me happy.

Katie Larissa said...

emma, i forgive you for not coming to my party.

thanks muchly.

Emily said...

I'm more sad for my sake than yours, dearie.

Amy said...

excellent words, Katie.