Thursday, March 10, 2011

Five Years

Today marks five years since Daddy went Home.

There is still, and always will be, a blank spot in my life. Sometimes, this blank spot is so small it could fit in my pocket, and sometimes it's a yawning, vast hole, overshadowing everything else. I continue to be surprised by this ebb and flow, for I expected it to always stay the same - bitter, dark, sad, and huge. But as time goes by, I find I can laugh at memories, I can smile without aching when I think of Daddy, and I have much rest and joy in the knowledge that he is with His Savior.

Sometimes, I want him so very, very much. Sometimes, I would have him back from Paradise if I could. Sometimes I'm weak. And sometimes I just need my Daddy.

He was such an integral part of my life that it's really mind-boggling to think "I am going to live the rest of my life without Daddy."

But then I am just grateful for all the years I did have with him.

Happy times when I was reminded every day how much my Daddy loved me.

And I still know he loves me. I still love him. Most importantly, I know that he and I have the same Heavenly Father. That thought is immensely comforting.


Jean Marie said...

Happy 5th anniversary of going Home, Mr. Strevel! How sweet and perfect these past 5 years for you...and yet not "years" at all!! How much we long to see the Heavenly glories and our Savior like you do every "day".

my Betsy.....a hug for you from me. The pictures are precious .... I miss your daddy for you, and know I'll meet him one day. :)

With love,
~ Jean Marie

Melanie Hodges said...


I love your writings. You seemed to express just how I feel about Dad being with our Saviour too. The pictures are priceless and precious. The 2nd picture of you and your dad looked so much like my Dad! I am so thankful to know that these two dear brothers are worshipping the Lord in person and together!

Love you, Melanie

Cordelia said...

I love you, Katie. Take comfort in the fact that you father is face to face with the Heavenly Father! Face to face with our sweet Savior. He is in the presence of the Living God!

nonie said...

I am sorry that I forgot to call your mother this year...first time I forgot. Your words are amazing. I know they are much more than just words. Thanks for sharing such sweet are an encouragement to all who read your blog. Thanks for the glimpses into your life.

Amongchosen said...

So glad you that you had a *daddy.* I wish I could have gotten to know him better. So glad he had a heavenly *Daddy,* and from what little I know of him, I knew that for sure.
"Dying's underrated, it's a ticket to the feast, the one we're all invited to, from the greatest to the least.."
I remember discussing Phil. 1:21&22 w/your daddy at old moldy. He did find joy with that.
I see that my children have a *daddy* & it pricks an aching, empty pain, yet it is healing knowing that generational sin in my family will not pass down in divorce.
My dad is still alive (70) & I'm still hoping to get some leftovers of his life, but it is not looking to good at the moment.(oh, the step-mother blues..)

Amongchosen said...
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