Saturday, March 5, 2011

a little Jane Austen to close out the night.

This made me laugh, possibly because it's late at night and everything is So Much More Amusing late at night.

-From Sense and Sensibility-

"One subject only engaged the ladies: the comparative heights of Master Harry Dashwood, and Lady Middleton's second son William, who were nearly of the same age.
Had both the children been there, the affair might have been determined too easily by measuring them at once; but as Harry only was present, it was all conjectural assertion on both sides, and everybody had a right to be equally positive in their opinion, and to repeat it over and over again as often as they liked.
The parties stood thus:
The two mothers, though each really convinced that her own son was the tallest, politely decided in favour of the other.
The two grandmothers, with not less partiality, but more sincerity, were equally earnest in support of their own descendant.
Lucy, who was hardly less anxious to please one parent than the other, thought the boys were both remarkably tall for their age, and could not conceive that there could be the smallest difference in the world between them.
Elinor, having once delivered her opinion on William's side, by which she offended Mrs. Ferras and Fanny, did not see the necessity of enforcing it by any farther assertion, and Marianne, when called on for her's, offended them all, by declaring that she had no opinion to give, as she had never thought about it."

I do love Jane Austen. I know, I know, it's cliche', but she was a master of dry, satirical humor, and that floats my boat.


Jenny Arnold said...

I guess I would have to side with Marianne in general. :) You could stick your head into the 3-4 Sunday school class for weekly proof. :P

Emily said...

it realllllly bothers me that liking Jane Austen is cliche. I feel like I have to explain to people that I at least am not a person who likes Jane because it's trendy, that I've liked for ten years and didn't know anyone else had ever heard of her for half of them . . . yada, yada, yada. Maybe I overthink the whole thing.

Amy said...

Yes. I wish I could talk like that. But then, I might not have very many friends.

Cordelia said...

Katie! I was just reading this passage the other day! And I even thought about posting it. Ha.
Love this and Jane and S&S.

Katie said...
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elliebird said...

why did you delete the packing post?

Cordelia said...

Ha, @Ellie, I was thinking the same thing. Saw it in my dashboard and now I'm curious!