Monday, April 4, 2011

with love, Daddy

Today, Mama stumbled across a box of supplies Daddy bought and took with him on one of his mission trips to Africa. There were bandaids, hydrocorisone cream, face astringent, pain patches, and lots of other useful odds and ends, all jumbled together, waiting to be used. I teared up as Mama showed me each item, because in a small way, it was like a little blessing, a gift, if you will, from Daddy as I make this trip. He would've been so excited for me, so helpful, so full of wise advice, so supportive, so prayerful, and I'm missing him very much these days. I don't know whether those we love can see us from Paradise. Daddy thought maybe they could, sometimes. I like to think that perhaps he knows what I'm about to do. -just seven days left-


Julia'sponderings said...

I just read your last 5 posts for the first time.

I made it til this one before I started crying.
Let's not even talk about you leaving right now.

Cordelia said...

Ditto, Julia.

I'm just glad I'll be gone & busy, too, so I won't have to miss you too long. (Not to say I won't miss you while away from home, 'cause I sure as fire will - but I'll be pretty preoccupied. So maybe it will simply lessen the blow.)

I love you bunches, Anne dear.

Thumper said...

This is beautiful. it's just... beautiful... that's the best word for it I think.

nonie said...

I bet your Daddy would be going with you to protect you and to just be there for you ....sweet thoughts about him. I know he would have loved seeing Cotton being baptized. Love you much....Dianne