Monday, May 3, 2010

well, I almost died.

I'll spare you the thrilling details, but let's just say it involved me, in the van, driving, and a spider crawling on my arm.

Yes, he's dead.

No, I'm not dead.

But it was a toss-up as to who was actually going to be the alive one for a few perilous seconds.


Cordelia said...

you + bugs (and even more especially, spiders) = run and hide. i must say, i'm quite surprised you made it out alive. but i'm glad. :) was it big? surely not, or you WOULD have died.

Katie Larissa said...

no, thankfully it was small. but very hairy, and very evil looking.

realmccoy said...

I too am amazed that you are still in good health after such a near death experience as that. I am also amazed that the van is not wrapped around a light pole, an oak tree or upside down in a ditch somewhere;)

Anonymous said...

Oh, come on, Katie. it was only a sweet little spider. I am sure it was only... looking for something to eat. :)

the H

Amy said...

I hate it when bugs are in the car... much less on me. My thought process goes like this: "Stay calm. Don't sweat it. It's just sitting there. You're going 70mph. Do not think about the bug. It's just sitting there... just sit... AAAAUGGGGH!!! WHERE DID IT GO?! IT'S FLYING AROUND MY HEAD!!! AAAAUGGGGGGHH! MAYDAY! MAYDAY!!"

Yeah. I stay so totally cool in those situations.