Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Here comes the bride...

I have this friend, see.

She's the sweetest, most loving girl you will ever meet, and although when we first met I didn't think she liked me or knew how to talk, I discovered that she was only a wee bit shy and not one to jump into things. Now, thank God, I am blessed to call her one of my dearest friends. (I assure you, she can talk, too.)

We rattle on forever about Amy Carmichael and Jane Austen and Elizabeth Gaskell, she never tires of lending books, discussing books, or talking about Christ, and I know she will be there for me if I ever need anything. In other words, she's really wonderful.

Well, this best friend met a blond haired boy a few months ago. And no surprise, he very quickly fell for her. And she grew to love and respect him. And tonight at church, she had a beautiful diamond on her finger.

Emily, I am so very, very happy for you. I can't tell you how excited I am that you are marrying someone who shares your love for Christ, (and for reading!) and I am praying for you both as you prepare to begin a new life together. I am confident that, just as you are an amazing friend, sister, and daughter, you will make an amazing wife. Please don't move too far away.

Much Love,


realmccoy said...

Very well said and obviously from the heart. Indeed, God bless Tyler and Emily!

Emily said...

Awww . . . thank you. :) You're such a sweet friend.