Monday, October 19, 2009

You wanna know what's stupid?

Grabbing the reallyreally fiery hot pot on the stove with bare fingers.



realmccoy said...

Way to go Sherlock.

Cordelia said...

I second that.

Jean Marie said...


This is going to be way out of my box of not knowing you at all, but I came over here off of Kristen Leigh's photography, and as I was reading your profile, I shrieked inside for joy, because there - were none other had ever put for books was: The Betsy-Tacy books. How I love them! I grew up on them, and actually, about a mo. ago, read through some of them again. :) Plus, you love half the movies I do, and read The Loveliness of Christ, and you have a Anne quote as your header.

So....some good reasons to leave a comment. :) God bless!

~ Jean Marie

Anonymous said...

i grabbed a heated up pan (it was heated up for cornbread) and all of the left side of my left had got scorched.