Wednesday, December 9, 2009

it's a gileskirk thing. you wouldn't understand. and believe me, you don't want to.

George Washington was most certainly not the first president of the United States.
Peyton Randolph was. News flash? Yeah, well, get with the game.

Did you know that Arx Axiom means fortress of first principles? And that culture can be defined as religion externalized? (Please, don't ask me what that means; Dr. Grant hasn't explained it since my freshman year and I would give a sketchy answer.) Also, the first twenty one colonies to become states were... what? You're not interested? Oh. Sorry. Well, did you know that without Patrick Henry and Samuel Adams joining forces and shaking things up here in America, we probably would have lost the war? They were pretty awesome.

Someone said the word "star" last night, and I immediately began an essay in my head on the secret star chamber of Charles I. It was a personal court where he had "treasonous" men sentenced without fair trial. The scoundrel. Off with his head!

In my dreams last night, Dr. Grant came and stood over me dressed in a 17th century garment, (one with those uncomfortable neck ruffs,) and shook a sealed scroll over my head, calling my name in a loud and terrible voice. I had to list the five causes of collapse of the old world order, or I would fail the whole semester, and for the life of me I could only think of four. It was an awful dream. Or, it would've been if it had really happened. But it's definitely a plausible possibility. (The dream, that is, not the blank out, 'cause I can list the five causes backwards, forwards, and sideways. Ha, Dr. Grant!)

My brain is slowly shriveling to the size of a peanut made out of grey ash, and I'm not even through filling out the study guide for the twenty page Gileskirk mid-term. So, why am I writing this instead of doing that? Application of Gileskirk, of course. And because I just lost my pencil for the hundredth time while sitting in the same place, surrounded by the same things. Yeah. It's a talent.

Bye now. I'll see you after the Dreaded, Despised, and Dratted Mid-term is over. IF I come out alive. And sane.

p.s. I think I have a crush on Bonnie Prince Charlie.


Emily said...

Can I do it for you? I'm a Dr Grant fan. :P
A friend of Daddy's was speaking somewhere and asked the room who the first President was. After they all answered 'Washington', like he knew they would, he asked his son, who responded 'Peyton Randolph'. That's what that fact makes me think of every time it's mentioned.
If people had listened to Patrick Henry and Sam Adams about the Constitution, we wouldn't be in this mess. They were extremely excessively awesome.
'Culture is religion externalised'. One of Daddy's all-time favourite quotes. Henry van Til, right?
Daddy got this super-cool George Grant book at a FLEA MARKET a few weeks ago. The Christian Almanac. So awesome.

Sorry about the long rambling comment, but the mere mention of history excites me. It gives me an adrenaline rush. No foolin'.

Yours Ramblingly

Katie Larissa said...

Well, Emily, I actually am a pretty big fan of the constitution. I think Patrick Henry was a little off there.

yes, you can definitely take my gileskirk test for me. I like gileskirk, (can't you tell,) I just don't like lots of information being blasted into my brain at once and forced to come out in coherent thought.

Emily said...

Hey, the addendum gave me something else to say! I once had a crush on Bonnie Prince Charlie too! I got waaaayy over him though, when I ran into WILLIAM WALLACE!!
Have I mentioned I looovvee your blog's comment function? It's usually a huge hassle for Wordpress users to comment on Blogger. But it's quite streamlined here. Thanks!

Jacob said...

"p.s. I think I have a crush on Bonnie Prince Charlie."
I know how things like that go. Today while I was looking at our refrigerator, I told Hannah that I would marry Isaiah if I were a girl. Then while she was complaining about touch screens, I told her that I would marry an iPhone. If it were a girl. Next on the list are some of Ms Misty's antique books.

Katie Larissa said...

Pastor John says he would've married a scone if he had met it before Misty.

I hate the iPhone. It's so big and clumsy.

Jacob said...

I would never call the iPhone big and clumsy. That might be an incentive for marital counseling.

Anonymous said...

la la la la.

I'm jealous. I intend for my kids to study Grant, Latin, and debate. Yes!

Cordelia said...

Call me strange, but I believe that if I marry, it will most likely be to a man...rather than an inanimate object. I know I know, weird, right?

Emily, would you be interested in taking mine, too?! :)

Katie Larissa said...

Oh, Courtney, you're so hilarious. Not.

Lolly said...

This is one of your funnier posts, Katie. I laughed out loud. Well, chuckled out loud anyway. Emily, you totally crack me up, and I THINK it would serve you and Katie both well to focus on LIVING men - oh wait, you did that already! :) Jacob, you always make me laugh. Unless you're making me mad.

Katie Larissa said...

He's usually making me mad. Just for the record.

Emily said...

Courtney, I would willingly take the entire class's midterms for them for the right price. But you'd be the one who had to explain to the teacher why they're all in the same handwriting. I'm assuming that it was yesterday, though, and so I missed this opportunity to strike it rich by dishonest means.
By the way, I almost included a remark about which version of William Wallace I abandoned the Young Pretender for. But I decided not to because that is a subject on which we have amiably agreed to disagree.
As for my little brother-well, I'll let him off this time. Just let me weigh in on the iPhone: It IS big and clumsy. Just sayin'. :P

Katie Larissa said...

Amendment: "Usually making me mad" is an overstatement. Let's just say, I'm often mad followed by amused.

Emily: I love William Wallace, too. Scottish Chiefs is my favorite book about him, although I think it's pretty historically inaccurate in some areas.

Heather said...

Well, I will first say that I am very happily married to a MAN living in the current century... much better than an i-phone.

But... I am still curious about the 5 reasons for the fall of the old world order... you left us hanging! I can't wait til my kids are old enough for Gileskirk!

Katie Larissa said...

Your kids can wait, believe me.