Monday, December 21, 2009

Too Small a Thing.

If I was the kind of person who ran out and got a tattoo every time something really grabbed my attention in a good way, I would have this verse tattooed somewhere.

Indeed He says,
"It is too small a thing that You should be
My Servant
To raise up the tribes of Jacob,
And to restore the preserved ones of
I will also give You as a light to the
That You should be My salvation to the
Ends of the earth."

-Isaiah 49:6

I was reading Isaiah 49 this morning, and I couldn't read past that verse. The absolute wonder of it filled my soul, and I found tears spilling over as I thought of the sacrifice of our Saviour, made not just for the Jews, the special nation, but for the Gentile dogs. Us. We're the dogs. I'm not a Jew. I'm not from the people that God chose before the foundations of the earth to be His own nation... not because they were the best, or the biggest, but because He loved them. The Gentiles were outside those beautiful promises God made to Israel in the Old Testament.


(Sometimes, that's my very favorite word.)

But, God in His amazing mercy, gave Jesus Christ to be a Light for me, for His chosen ones among the Gentiles, as well. God's Salvation to the ends of the earth.

Think about that. We were outside of God's promises to Israel. We were the pagan Gentiles who didn't know the one true God. But then, the sacrifice was given for us, even we who are called according to His purpose, and we are called the sons of God. We are now His people, the sheep of His pasture. Christ is our Elder Brother, and He now stands before the Father, making intercession for me. For us. For the Gentiles. Wow. It's unbelievable. And oh, so wonderful.

If this doesn't make your heart sing for joy, I don't know that anything could.


Emily said...

Amazing. Almost unbelievable, except that He said it. Those Isaiah passages are sooo wonderful (full of wonders).

Jean Marie said...

So very true, Katie....thanks,dear for your insight.

~ Jean Marie

Katie Larissa said...

Emily: Isaiah is probably my favorite book of the Bible - or at least the latter half is. But then again, I don't know... so many rich passages and books.