Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Tomorrow is my last first day of highschool.

And I am happy about that.

Being a Senior feels awesome... it's an accomplishment, (with a lot of help,) it's the end of a journey, (I am very aware that sounded cheesy,) it's the beginning of a new, quite bewildering time of life, (which I am certain I can survive with the help of Christ, mama, dr. pepper, friends, and sugar highs,) and it signifies the light at the end of the dark, dank, depressing, despondent tunnel of algebra. (okay, okay, I know there's still college algebra, but I intend to do just as much as is required of that to graduate college, and get it over in the first semester, and then I will be done. utterly, completely done. I hope my husband is good at math, because I will not be teaching my children algebra. They would fail. End of story.)

So, tomorrow I will walk the halls for the last first time. Happy, happy, happy day.

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