Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Well, at Least There's Hot Tea

I recently started taking vitamins. You know, the vitamins which come in ginormous pills big enough to choke a horse. Ugh.

But I have been laboring under the delusion that taking these dragon-size pills would make me healthier. Stronger. Boost my immune system. Prove their salt with my unsurpassed energy and well-being.

I mean, that's what the bottle proclaims.


Last night, as I lay in bed, I felt something in the back of my throat. A sort of rough soreness. My food had tasted tainted all day, like when you eat during a cold and the drainage keeps you from tasting things. And I had coughed several times without any apparent explanation. But I couldn't have a cold. Oh, no. Because I am taking vitamins. But after a few minutes, I was forced to get up and swallow more horse pills, only this time they were for already-here-sickness. Double ugh.

This morning I have drunk hot peppermint and lemon tea, and am preparing myself to gargle salt water with a dash of whiskey. They say gargling whiskey is good for sore throats. I wouldn't know, because I've never been able to hold it in my mouth for longer than 1/4 of a second.

There is a moral to this story. Don't bother taking vitamins. It's a dirty medicinal conspiracy to generate more money for the vitamin proscribers and distributors.


Anonymous said...

"I've never been able to hold it in my mouth for longer than 1/4 of a second."
Ummm....I don't think I've ever really tried...Of course, it would be worse for me, since my bed is downstairs....

Katie Larissa said...

I'm sorry, but I'm not following. Why would it make it worse for you that your bed is downstairs? I'm not talking enough whiskey to even remotely get one drunk. No, no.