Tuesday, August 10, 2010

You could say it runs in the family.

I'm sure lots of y'all think I'm weird, especially after reading random musings like this and this.

And that's okay. I have peace with that. (Because secretly, I know it's really you who is the weird one.)

But I want to assure all and sundry that I come by this strange propensity to be curious about perfectly common things, and then make up stories about them, honestly. I suppose it's just in my blood.

Case in point:

while at Joseph and Andrea's house, curling my hair in the bathroom, Joseph walked in and said,

"I don't know how y'all's hair doesn't shrivel up and die with all the stuff you do to it."

me: "Well, I put lots of good things on my hair, too."

Joseph: "Yeah, like shampoo with fruit in it. Ya' know, the shampoo industry has struck gold with this whole 'add a little bitty splash of fruit juice to our product and then market it as essence of banana' or some such exotic name, and then every woman out there rushes to buy it. I wonder whose idea it was to begin with? The shampoo people's? Or was there a bumper crop of papayas one year, and the growers got together to talk about how they could get rid of all those extra papayas? One would say, 'Oh, let's put papaya juice in motor oil!' and then another would say, 'No, that might hurt the cars. I know! Let's put fruit in shampoo!' And thus a star was born."

Yeah, Joseph. I'm sure that's exactly how it happened.


Amber Noella said...

Haha! This kept me laughing for a long time! How old is he?

Katie Larissa said...

he's 36. or 35. not sure which.

Anonymous said...

try 33

Katie Larissa said...

oh. oops.

sorry, joseph.

Jacob said...
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Jacob said...

Your Brother rocks.
Just so you know.

realmccoy said...

I'm with Joseph on the whole big marketing conspiracy.

Amongchosen said...

I'm impressed the thoughts came across his mind!

Unknown said...

36??!!??!!??!!??!! Are you kidding me??? I'm 33! and barely that! well, not barely, exactly... but nowhere NEAR 36!! Sheesh....

Katie Larissa said...

Hey, bro, I threw 35 in there too... and i said i wasn't sure. it's just that you LOOK 24, and so I always pin your age so much higher, because i know you're older than you look.


that sounds good.